A parking scheme is likely to go ahead even though surveys revealed the majority of residents and businesses were against it.

A questionnaire returned by residents in central Hove showed 51 per cent against and 47 per cent in favour.

A survey of businesses showed 75 per cent opposed the scheme, although Hove Business Association and Brighton and Hove Chamber of Commerce backed it.

Traders felt the scheme would be restrictive, driving away residents, tourists and visitors.

The scheme is aimed at solving Hove's parking problem.

The permit charge in the first year should be £52 for residents and £104 for businesses, rising in the second year to £80 and £160.

Brighton and Hove Council environment director Alan McCarthy said the scheme would gain support if the local community could be convinced the charges were justified.

This would only be possible once it had been introduced.

Liberal Democrat group leader Paul Elgood said the council spent huge sums on consultation and should listen to the findings.

This meant going back to the drawing board and returning with a scheme which was wanted.

Coun Elgood said: "To offer a discounted rate in year one is a con trick which in the longer term will leave residents no better off.