Can anyone explain the recent activities of a local traffic warden? He rides shotgun in a tow truck and within minutes of arriving at the scene of a transgressing vehicle, while the driver is attaching hoists to the car, the he is writing the ticket!

Several Kemp Town residents have been towed off within a couple of minutes of a ticket being written out.

Brighton and Hove Council has not returned my calls asking by what remit the traffic warden and tow truck have to operate in this way.

Because most of Kemp Town has recently become controlled or timed resident parking, several roads are suffering from the displacement of workers' and visitors' cars, which means locals have to trawl constantly to park near their own homes.

As local ratepayers, we are all becoming distressed with the never-ending problem of where to park. Can anyone shed light as to the remit of the yellow perils as we are being penalised by this crazy parking system?

-Name and address supplied