I despair at the ignorance shown by politicians, both national and local, regarding the reasons for the devastation caused by the recent floods.

Damien Green MP is quoted as demanding to know about the dangers of building on flood plains. I learned about rivers and flood plains during geography lessons at Uckfield Comprehensive School and can still remember what a flood plain is some 25 years later.

Uckfield people have always been aware of the power of the River Uck, having seen the high street flooded on numerous occasions in the past.

The last few years have seen the Bellbrook Industrial Estate greatly expanded along both banks of the river. Further development saw the new fire station and various shops built on land previously flooded by the Uck, plus new housing at the bottom of Manor Park.

Those responsible for granting permission to build in these areas without considering the implications of flooding, appear to have done so with their heads in the sand, hoping that it would never happen again. Decisions have been made regarding building in these areas that can only be put down to ignorance or incompetence. Neither is acceptable.

The Environment Agency has received much criticism over the floods for various reasons. However, if those responsible had been listening to the agency's Peter Midgley for the last few years they would have heard him repeatedly stressing that no more development on flood plains, either coastal or river, should be allowed. His advice obviously fell on the deaf ears of those who thought they knew better.

When deciding where to put 1,000 new homes in Uckfield, perhaps the town planners should remember that, however clever they think they are, nature will always be able to claim back what is rightfully its own. After all, flood plains are there for one reason. To flood.

-Name and address supplied