Border terrier Pru had a happy reunion with her owners after three weeks trapped in a rabbit warren.

Prudence could have done with a dose of caution as she headed off down the underground hole.

Robert and Jane Thomas had given up hope of ever finding Pru and her eight-year-old litter sister Daisy after they both vanished while out for a walk.

Mr Thomas, 74, a retired solicitor, searched with his wife for three hours in the pouring rain but they admitted defeat as darkness drew in.

Every day the couple searched the Downs near their home in Bishopstone, near Seaford, for the missing dogs.

They told friends and neighbours to look out for Pru and Daisy, employed a man with terriers to search the fields, checked vets and dogs' homes, but all to no avail.

They put posters up around their village and even offered a reward of £3,000 after fearing the dogs had been stolen.

Then three weeks later, when almost all hope had gone, neighbour Anna Simpson was walking across fields when she heard a whimpering sound.

She dashed through the bushes and there she saw Pru's feeble face staring up at her.

Within seconds she used her hands to dig out the dog, who had spent 21 days trapped in the hole with just her nose poking out of the ground.

It is thought that the high rainfall had kept Pru alive as she managed to lap up water.

When Mr Thomas was told that Pru had been found safe and well he returned to the warren with a spade and began digging for Daisy. Unfortunately she was found dead in the underground tunnel.

Back at the family home, Pru is now recovering well, although she pines for her missing playmate.

Mr Thomas said: "Pru normally weighs about 14lb and I imagine that she went down to about 11lb. She was dehydrated and you could see all her bones.

"Pru rather relied on Daisy. She was the one in the past who would occasionally go down tunnels. They were devoted to each other and Pru really misses her."