Police numbers in Eastbourne should be back to full strength by March, says Sussex's police chief.

Chief Constable Paul Whitehouse said measures were in place to ensure a full contingent of 222 officers would be available in the district.

Eight officers are to be taken on to fill posts left empty when officers were transferred to the Hastings area in summer.

But another seven vacant posts will not be filled because the duties have been divided among existing staff.

The news was announced yesterday after a meeting between Eastbourne Council leader Graham Marsden, Mr Whitehouse and Margaret Johnson, chairman of the Sussex Police Authority.

Coun Marsden told them there were fears among residents about the reduction in police numbers and late-night trouble in the town centre.

Mr Whitehouse said the East Downs Division should be restored to full strength by March.

Eastbourne's divisional commander, Simon Parr, said: "We are recruiting people into the force all the time.

"As a division, we have 17 officers in training at Ashford. By March we are hoping to get as near to strength as possible."

After the meeting, Mr Marsden welcomed Mr Whitehouse's comments but said he would like police numbers increased still further.

He said: "I suppose the Chief Constable is hearing the same from councils in Worthing, Hastings and other places in Sussex.

"But the discussions were friendly, constructive and have helped us put Eastbourne's concerns directly to the police authority.

"I hope the improvements in staff and the reduction in reported incidents of disorder can be maintained."