Simon Battle's nasty attack on Russell Hicks (December 21), chair of the Campaign for a Better Brighton and Hove, points to a desperate man with something to hide.

Why does it matter that Mr Hicks lives in Kemp Town? So does Simon Fanshawe.

If Mr Battle needed a doctor (and perhaps he does), would he refuse treatment if that doctor came from Kemp Town?

Russell Hicks may put a few noses out of joint. He's fearless in saying what sometimes needs to be said.

How refreshing to see a few politicians get some criticism in this one-party town with a feeble Conservative opposition.

As for George Street - yes, Mr Battle has done a great job of removing cars... and most of the shops.

When Brighton and Hove Council's next big deal is done with another big supermarket, George Street will be finished.

-Nigel Furness, Cambridge Road, Hove