Moggie Herbie, who spent more than four years locked in a downstairs toilet, is hoping for a fresh start in the new year.

The black cat was forced to live in the cramped space since he was a kitten and the poor light has damaged his eyesight.

He also had no muscle tone because he could not exercise and would drink from the toilet bowl.

The only contact he had with people was when his owners would open the door to put food in for him or to throw newspapers into the tiny room.

Herbie was rescued from his Brighton home on May 23, after neighbours became concerned.

Since then Joan and Michael Tully, of Fiveways Cat Shelter, have been re-socialising him so he can cope with being re-homed with another family.

Mr Tully said: "He is a big, black handsome cat. He's a little hand-shy but he will now let me stroke him. Sadly, he's still wary of people."

Herbie is about five years old and has been neutered.He is looking for a new owner, preferably without children.

Anyone who can help call 01273 508539.