It was two months later than planned but the bonfire party still went off with a bang.

Thousands of people crowded into Lindfield, near Haywards Heath, to enjoy what could have been the village's biggest bonfire party ever.

Lindfield Bonfire Society were forced to postpone the event in November after stormy weather hit Sussex.

Without competition of similar events in the county on Saturday night, a bumper crowd wrapped up warm to watch the parade and fireworks display.

The display could be seen and heard for miles, but before it started there was a brief quiet moment in memory of two society members who died in the summer.

Six mortars were fired to signal the start of the silence in honour of Brian Durrant and Brenda Jones.

Wendy Box, secretary of the society, said: "We wanted to do something special for them.

"They had been involved in the society for years and we will miss them."

Brenda's husband Jim and son Daniel carried on the family tradition by helping to judge the fancy dress contest alongside Brian's wife Joan.

Their son Martin Durrant lead the parade carrying the 20ft high Guy which had been in storage since it was made in November.

Following him from the starting point at Hickmans Lane were children and adults in fancy dress, including Henry VIII and his wives, who entertained the crowds lining Lewes Road to the end of the route at the common.

For the first time members of other Sussex bonfire societies, usually busy with their own events, joined the celebrations.

Members of Waterloo, Burgess Hill, Chailey, Borough, Uckfield, Newick and Fletching, each sporting their different coloured stripey jumpers, followed the Lindfield crew.

Wendy said: "The fireworks were the best we have ever had and looked better because the sky was so still and they were set against the snow.

"It was a great night but will never happen in December again.

"Next year it will be on November 5 like it always is."