A pre-Christmas campaign to help a hospital cope with demand has been a success.

Brighton Health Care NHS Trust, which runs the Royal Sussex County Hospital, was busy during Christmas and the New Year but did not suffer a shortage of beds.

Extra measures, such as opening more intensive care beds and encouraging patients to use the new NHS Direct information line, helped ease the pressure.

There has been no repeat so far of last year's flu epidemic and, although there was an increase in staff sickness, health bosses are hoping the worst may be over.

The trust went into the New Year with more than 60 beds available and still has around 30 left now.

Chief executive Stuart Welling said: "Our staff have, as always, worked extremely well over this period to make the hospital run smoothly for patients.

"It has been busy but the additional beds we opened have meant reduced delays for treatment.

"It appears that the preparation and hard work has, so far, paid off."