Sussex police have offered a £5,000 reward in their hunt for a serial knife attacker.

The case may feature on the BBC's Crimewatch programme later this month, as police step up the hunt for the man believed to be responsible for at least eleven knife attacks on women in the Brighton area.

Detective superintendent Kevin Moore, heading the investigation, said the response from the public so far had been "excellent" and several significant lines of inquiry were being pursued.

He said: "We are hoping the reward will help bring in the vital piece of information that will help us take this man off the streets"

Police are planning to offer the reward through Crimestoppers which operates a confidential hotline for information - 0800 555 111.

The attacks began on October 30 and the last happened on December 20 when a 26-year-old woman was raped at knifepoint in Queensbury Mews, Brighton.

Police now doubt whether there is a connection with another rape last Wednesday night at the rear of the King Alfred leisure centre in Hove.

The first attack was in Montpelier Terrace on October 30, on a 16-year-old girl.

Since then, attacks have occurred in Atlingworth Street, Brighton; Brunswick Street West, Hove; Clarence Square, Brighton; Marlborough Street, Brighton; Brighton Marina; Black Lion Street, Brighton; Queensbury Mews, Brighton; and Queens Road, Brighton.

One new assault was added to the list this week.

A 52-year-old woman was grabbed and threatened in New Church Road, Hove, on December 16. The offender demanded her rings but she struggled and he ran off.

The knifeman usually hides in doors or alleyways and preys on women walking alone after dusk.

He produces a craft knife and threatens to kill his victims.

A squad of 26 officers are hunting the man, variously described as Mediterranean, Indian, Asian or of mixed race. Police say he is dangerous and should not be approached.