We received a form just before Christmas from Brighton and Hove Council entitled "St James's Street and St George's Road Area Street Drinking lncident Diary".

We have been asked to record street incidents up to February 22 in which people who have been drinking alcohol cause problems for others.

During the summer, drinkers sit happily outside in this area but they are hardly likely to be sitting there in the bleak mid-winter. Therefore the entire survey will be valueless. I phoned the council contact to mention the fact.

"Oh!", she said, "We will probably send out forms again in April or so. We thought there might be a lot of people drinking on the street at Christmas."

We were in St James's Street on the evenings of both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. The place was like a ghost town. We have here yet another example of how the council wastes our money.

-Name and address supplied