I have supported The Place To Be campaign from the beginning and have really started to believe in Brighton and Hove as a community. Now we are a city it is something we must cherish.

I was disheartened to read of and hear many residents of Brighton and Hove accuse the campaign of being a waste of time, effort and money. There is no reason why Hove should lose its individuality.

Hove has a strong character and has not allowed itself to be influenced by its neighbour in the past. We have had a unitary authority for some time and, up to now, I have not noticed any real change.

I believe that the people of Brighton value Hove for what it is.

There are many social problems associated with becoming a city but for Brighton these have always been there. Brighton admits its failings and does its best to address them.

As I understand it, we will see increased Government and European funding, a more prominent position on the world stage and increased tourism.

Brighton has never shied away from the limelight, Hove has always remained slightly aloof and both towns have prospered from tourism and recognition as The Place To Be.

Since doctors recommended the bracing coastal air and the taking of the waters to promote good health, Brighton and Hove prospered from tourism. Now, from a couple of fishing villages has emerged a city.

-Jason Palmer, Lincoln Cottages, Brighton