A nursery which was facing closure six months ago has been given a glowing Ofsted report.

Maplehurst Nursery was suffering severe financial pressures last year, despite an excellent record in early education.

It was facing problems partly because it could not fill enough of its childcare places.

A report released yesterday, following an Ofsted inspection in August, praised the way staff helped the children to learn through structured play and highlighted the children's positive and enthusiastic approach to learning.

Inspectors said the biggest influence on children was the enthusiasm the staff brought to their work.

East Sussex Early Years Development and Childcare Partnership (EYDCP) teamed up with East Sussex Local Education Authority to save the Hastings-based nursery.

They worked with staff, parents and unions to find a private nursery buyer in an effort to cut the burden on finances and bring it into line with Government directives.

However, closure seemed inevitable when the bid fell through.

The authorities have since come up with a plan to ensure the nursery's survival by moving it to Sandown Nursery School, in Ridge, where there is a greater intake of nursery-age children.

The education authority also agreed to take on the management of the nursery until it was ready for private or voluntary status and pay for its move into two portable buildings at the school.

Despite the upheaval of the move in August, the nursery closed for just two days.

Parents and nursery staff gave up their spare time to help paint and decorate the new premises.

Audrey Ongley, chair of the EYDCP, said: "Our role is to encourage the expansion of childcare, not to see good nurseries close, and the hard work of everyone involved has been rewarded.

"Not only has Maplehurst achieved an excellent Ofsted inspection, but it has already increased the number of childcare places, taken on three more staff and will be offering ten more places this year."