A crackdown on TV licence dodgers has been launched after it was revealed more than 100 evaders are caught every month in Brighton.

TV Licensing, the authority responsible for collecting licence fees, today unveiled its latest advertising campaign to run in Brighton throughout January.

The Streets campaign, which includes posters on buses, radio and billboards, highlights streets picked at random from a database where there is no record of a licence being held.

Posters are going up in Preston Street, Church Street, Coombe Road, Trafalgar Street, Kings Parade in Ditchling Road, Beaconsfield Road, North Road, Gloucester Street, Elm Grove, Station Approach and the forecourt at Brighton station.

Jane Lodge, regional spokeswoman for TV Licensing, said: "Our Streets campaign sends a clear message to evaders in Brighton we are serious about tackling evasion.

"We know which addresses do not have a TV licence and so anyone who is breaking the law should stop and think.

"The campaign also serves to reassure our customers that we won't let the dodgers get away with it.

"What is disappointing is that people still try to evade despite the availability of a wide range of easy ways to pay."