A man was injured by a hit and run driver then left lying in the road as other motorists passed him by.

Andrew Burt, 32, was struck by a red hatchback car as he crossed Ingleside in Hastings on Wednesday.

A police spokeswoman said: "It appears that while crossing Ingleside from the SLM Motors side and heading towards Tescos, Mr Burt was hit by a small red hatchback turning into Churchwood Drive. "

The driver of the car did not stop to check how badly the father-of-three was injured, but drove off leaving him lying on the road.

Eventually a local driving instructer pulled over to help Mr Burt and alerted the emergency services.

He later told police he had watched the traffic travelling southbound past the injured man, with not one driver attempting to help him.

PC Pat Hicks of Bexhill Traffic is appealing for witnesses to come forward. Call 0845 6070999.