I read Mr Franklin's letter 'Streets Are Deserted' (Dec 27) with interest. As he only moved to Worthing 12 months ago, l am prepared to forgive his clearly obvious mistakes.

I find it hard to believe that in the past 12 months Mr Franklin has not seen a police officer patrolling the streets of Worthing. I have, and indeed I know for a fact, that over the past few Saturdays before Christmas a highly-visible police presence could be found in the town centre.

The officers were not hard to spot, they were wearing bright yellow jackets with POLICE on the backs and fronts.

The police station does close its front door to the public at 6pm, It is, however, far from closed.

There is plenty of activity going on as officers come in and out to go to various calls, beats and so on. I'm sure that if Mr Franklin is interested, I could arrange a tour for him so that he can see for himself what goes on.

-Councillor Mark J. O'Keeffe, Worthing Borough Council