A father-of-three left lying injured in the road by a hit-and-run driver today spoke of his ordeal.

Andrew Burt, 32, is recovering at home after he was struck by a car as he crossed Ingleside in Hastings.

Numerous other drivers drove past him as he writhed in agony on the tarmac.

His wife, Sarah, 29, said: "He is having nightmares in which the car hits him head-on instead of in the side. He wakes up in the middle of the night screaming."

Mr Burt said: "I was trying to cross the road to catch a bus from Tesco's. As I started to cross I looked left and right and there was nothing there.

"Then I heard a great loud screeching noise. I moved back a little to try to get out of the way but I didn't stand a chance. The car hit me on my side."

Mr Burt, who lives in Watermill Drive, St Leonards, is not sure how long he was lying in the road before someone came to his aid.

He said: "I was drifting in and out of consciousness. I can remember someone trying to stop the cars to see if anyone had a mobile phone to call for help."

He was taken by ambulance to the Conquest Hospital in Hastings where he was treated for neck and leg injuries.

He said: "I have been told I have to keep the weight off my leg for the time being. The doctors said I should start to get better in four or five days time. But at the moment I just ache all over. I am on disability benefits because of a back problem and this has not helped at all."

A police spokeswoman said: "It appears that while crossing Ingleside from the SLM Motors side and heading towards Tesco's, Mr Burt was hit by a small red hatchback turning into Churchwood Drive."

Eventually a local driving instructor pulled over to help Mr Burt and alerted the emergency services.

PC Pat Hicks, of Bexhill Traffic Department, is appealing for witnesses. Call 0845 6070999.