Hove's annual Hangover Trophy match cleared a few heads on New Year's Day and was won, fittingly enough, by a team called Betts' Boozers.

The Boozers, run by Rick Betts and sponsored by the Seafield Arms in Church Road, Hove, snatched a late score to beat a Hove XV 19-17.

But the real celebrations belonged to Martlets Hospice, for whom funds were raised.

Hove's line-up featured players from each of their six senior sides, including Olivia Crane of the women's team, as well as colts Rob and Kyle Smith and Adam Durdle.

Jack Hayes, now in his mid-Sixties and still playing every week, added a touch of experience to the side.

Steve Hughes scored three tries and kicked a conversion for Hove but Kevin Long (Lewes) and Jason Hammond (Redruth) kept the Boozers in touch, both their scores being goaled by Matthew Cuttress.

Paul Harrison then won the match for the Seafield side, though Hove had light-hearted complaints when a score by Phillip Beecham was ruled out for the very good reason that he is the chairman's son.

Seconds from time, Crane had a great chance to strike a blow for the women's game but lost the ball in a tackle having got over the line.

Andy Ward of Hove was sufficiently impressed to wax lyrical when he e-mailed his report to the Sports Argus. He said: "It was another excellent game, played in the correct spirit and benefitting a local charity, which truly epitomises the whole ethos of rugby. What better way can there be of shaking off those over indulgences?"

Hove were expecting to field a full strength side at home to Lewes today before resuming league action at Folkestone next Saturday.