I was not surprised to hear that one of the top five New Year resolutions made this year was to lose weight.

For many, gaining pounds over the years becomes a gradual process. In the case of Barbara and Kevin neither of them were aware of just how heavy they had become until their daughter revealed her concerns about their health. She had read that the fatter someone is the more likely they are to die earlier than they should.

Realising the need for change they started to examine their lifestyle. Physical activity seemed to have become a thing of the past. Most evenings were spent in front of the television or occasionally down at the local pub. It had become a habit to have late night suppers, going to bed on a full stomach.

Although devoted to one another, their relationship had also become sluggish. Whereas in the past they might have gone to the theatre or swimming together, they now rarely shared any activities.

They decided they needed a drastic overhaul and joined their local gym. Their new regime involved getting up earlier than usual so they could visit the gym when it wasn't too busy. At first, it seemed like a chore but after a while they started enjoying their "outings". Making sure they had at least a couple of television-free evenings a week released more time to take pleasure from forgotten recreation.

Kevin and Barbara experienced a renewed interest in each other. With this restored energy, their relationship had a sparkle about it which had been previously buried.

Looking through some old holiday photographs and cringing, they appreciated their new found figures. They had achieved what they set out to do, little realising that the greatest improvement would be to their relationship.