A thief took mobile phones from two boys - then returned ten minutes later and gave them a necklace.

The boys, aged 12 and 14, were in a phone box in Queens Square, Crawley, when a man tapped on the window to attract their attention.

The man, who was Asian, spoke to the boys and then began following them. He asked if they had mobile phones and frightened the pair into handing them over.

He then gave the phones back, threatened the boys and told them they had to go with him.

The three walked from the town centre to Crawley railway station where the man again asked the frightened boys for their phones.

He returned ten minutes later, handed them a necklace and said he would return the phones.

He did not return and it is believed he caught a train. The thief was in his mid-20s, 5ft 8in tall, stocky and wore a black coat.