I refer to the letters from Liz Walker (December 21 and January 3) regarding homelessness.

As I have said previously, although we would prefer that other councils did not purchase temporary accommodation here, I can reassure her that the cost of this housing is not paid for by Brighton and Hove Council.

The vast majority are permanently rehoused back in their own council areas. While they are here they may use local services such as education or health. Equally, they could contribute to the local economy by working, paying council tax or in another way enhancing community life.

I am sure that there are many people from Brighton and Hove who have moved to other parts of the country in order to improve their housing situation or for work.

I really don't want to live in the kind of society which says it is okay for better off people to move around but the disadvantaged have to remain where they are despite opportunities elsewhere.

We need to take a balanced view. I have repeatedly campaigned and lobbied government for more affordable housing for Brighton and Hove and passionately believe our local people deserve decent homes.

However, we also need to acknowledge that some newcomers have had real hardship in their lives.

I would like to believe that we can seek more resources for our city without blaming people less fortunate than ourselves.

-Tehmtan Framroze, Executive Councillor, Housing Services, Brighton and Hove Council