There are always moans and groans from traditionalists when leisure chains take over pubs and clubs.

But in the case of Brighton-based C-side, any complaints are misplaced. Here is a local concern which knows what many local people want.

Its latest acquisitions, the Cuba Bar, The Lift, The Pig in Paradise and the Gloucester, will be improved and won't lose the individuality that has made them well-liked.

Meanwhile the other large local chain, Zelgrain, is spending money on the Hanbury Arms in Kemp Town which will restore the unique dome which makes this pub look like a mini Royal Pavilion.

Ownership by C-side or Zelgrain is generally preferable to that of the big brewing firms which are not local and which sometimes have a negative effect on pubs.

The new city should be proud of these distinctive local concerns. If C-side succeeds in its aim of expanding elsewhere in the country, it could become as successful a venture as the Body Shop which also started modestly in Brighton.