Culture Minister Chris Smith was recently at Brighton University debating the development potential of Creative Industries for the new city (December 18).

The rhetoric is fine, but may lack substance. The staging of industry requires the venues for working energy.

This is why we have written to the city council asking for a renaissance city ice arena.

The arena will honour the pledge for sport. It could also create a new arena for new creative showbusiness industries.

The Brighton Centre traditionally stages Holiday on Ice for a season each year, but this is just for spectators.

There is no benefit of on-going potential for daily sport and sustaining revenue return for the residential community.

The city remains devoid of the chance for a working centre for ice skating sports, social leisure and a safe centre for the youth of the area.

In the wake of government ministers, who are anxious to see regeneration of town and city centres, we have proposed a strategy of cultural regeneration and creative industry to the new council.

We urge the council to involve both the Brighton Centre and the development of a new ice arena in a consortium deal of redevelopment of the two venues.

-Patricia Ginman, Keep Sussex Skating Association