Detectives have been granted extra time to question a man over a string of knife attacks and a rape in central Brighton.

The 48-year-old, who has not been named, appeared before Brighton magistrates on Saturday morning.

Police were granted permission to hold him in custody for a further 36 hours for questioning.

The No 2 Court at Brighton was closed to the media and public while the application was made.

The man was arrested in Wood Green, north London, on Thursday night in a joint operation between Metropolitan and Sussex Police officers.

The suspect had been living in Brighton, but since Christmas had been staying in London.

Sussex Police mounted Operation Tank to deal with a series of knife attacks in central Brighton and Hove, mostly on women, which started on October 20.

In the most serious incident, a woman was raped in Queensbury Mews, Brighton, on December 20.

Detective Superintendent Kevin Moore, who is heading the investigation, said the man was being questioned in connection with rape, robbery and abduction.

He said the extra time allowed to interview the man would enable him and officers on the Operation Tank to " pursue their inquiries into a large number of offences which police believe are linked."