The crackdown on cyclists breaking the law all over our city comes as welcome news to all those people who have complained on this subject over the last few years.

Almost the next day (Argus, February 8) came a sob-story from four young men (15 and 16-year-olds are no longer boys in my opinion) who were firstly warned about riding on the pavement, then, no doubt laughing at the policeman who spoke to them as soon as they got round the corner, carried on in the same way.

If a pensioner or young child had been knocked over, the story would have been very different. One of the father's comments - "Everybody knows that sometimes it is safer to ride on the pavement than on the road" - just about sums up the attitude of irresponsible parents. If your son or daughter is not a responsible road user, don't let them out on their bikes.

Keep going, Brighton and Hove police. Parents don't care. The next generation must be made to care.

-A Older, Goldstone Villas, Hove