We suffered similar problems to Celia Webster with TV reception (Opinion, February 22), so we decided to hurl ourselves into the 21st Century and invest in state-of-the-art technology, cable TV.

Well, with terrestrial TV we had four channels available to all TVs in the house and could watch one programme while videoing another.

However, this fantastic digital service means you can only watch one programme at a time.

So on Sunday evenings when you want to watch Heartbeat and video Monarch Of The Glen, the only way you can do this is to pay for two digital boxes - an additional tenner a month, on top of the £50-odd it already costs.

At least with the licence fee, a smidge over £100 a year, you can have access to all the channels all the time.

And be warned, this state-of-the-art cable service doesn't provide Ceefax and Teletext either, so if you like to book yourself cheap holidays off the text service, you can't. And this is progress?

-Wendy Taylor, Manor Road, Lancing