Around 70 youngsters were stopped and questioned in town centres as part of a truancy sweep.

In a joint operation by Sussex Police and East Sussex County Council teams of education welfare officers and police officers patrolled Eastbourne, St Leonards and Bexhill stopping any children seen out and about during school hours.

The teams concentrated on areas around schools as well as seafront and shopping precincts.

In Bexhill and St Leonards, 25 pupils were stopped and questioned and several returned to school.

In Eastbourne, 43 youngsters were questioned. Of these, 18 agreed to go back to school voluntarily and six were taken back by police using powers under the crime and disorder legislation.

Jill Muggleton, county senior education welfare officer, said: "The parents of any young person found out of school without valid reason will be contacted by our education welfare service and schools will be notified of all pupils who were stopped and questioned."