Fighting Vipers 2 was originally a rare arcade game which Sega bravely picked up and released for the Dreamcast.

On first play, the controls feel utterly unresponsive because the gameplay is all about rhythm and "juggling" moves. Keep practicing in the training mode and you will soon get the hang of it.

While a rookie could come in and hit every button, it takes experience to knock someone in the air and juggle them.

The game is played in different fenced arenas which are great to smash your opponent through at the end of a match.

The character range is excellent. Charlie fights with a BMX bike and sets a new standard in 3-D fighting for originality.

FV2 has been lovingly designed but, when compared to the gorgeous Soul Calibur or Virtual Fighter 4, you may be disappointed.

Overall, the game is a very good beat-'em-up using a deceptively deep control system. You will play it again and again. FV2's class of gameplay is what makes it shine.

- James Richardson
Price: £39.99.

Contact: 0845 609 0090.

Feel good factor: 8 out of 10.