Among the numerous flyers shoved through my letterbox to tempt me, I picked one out before it went into my filing cabinet (next to the front gate), headed "Portobello". Naturally it caught my eye as I too delivered Portobello leaflets more than a year ago. This leaflet read "We won, thanks Des". How puzzling. The very same were stuck outside the Portobello works as well.

As a resident, I know who "won" Portobello - the residents who persuaded Simon Gibbs, the public inquiry inspector. Perhaps "Des" stands for "Didn't Even See" or "Drain Every Sewer". We residents are puzzled as to what this flyer is trying to make us believe.

Even if bad publicity is still publicity, where is the sense in it and why should we, the residents who gathered our armies together and fought the Southern Water giants, receive such flyers through our letterboxes when all we want to do is get on with our lives? No one person is going to take the credit from us or, indeed, from one man who died for his efforts.

Though we may be tempted to purchase goods from some of the leaflets we get through our letterboxes, we will not buy that one. So thanks, Res (that's short for "Residents", by the way).

-Jill Jerome and other residents, East Saltdean