I am writing to you as a very tired man. I am tired of walking the streets and shopping centres, only to be confronted with yob after yob, carrying the standard-issue cans of Special Brew, looking for someone or anyone to pick a fight with.

I am tired of travelling on buses with drunken yobs have the same instinct for violence.

I am tired of seeing shop windows smashed and supermarket security guards chasing anarchistic, thuggish shoplifters.

I am tired of living in a city where joy-riders and the dregs of humanity reside and roam the streets with complete impunity from the law.

And I am tired of the political do-gooders who feel sorry for these poor, underprivileged souls, whose only pleasure in life is to rob, steal, burgle or beat up.

I look forward to any organisation that can either get rid of this plague or give its members the good hiding they clearly need.

-Name and address supplied