We have had trouble with our neighbour for nine years. The woman above us rolls chairs around, bangs about and slams doors.

When she first moved in with her son, he kept kicking a football against our garage doors.

His response, when we asked him to stop, was: "If you don't like it, move."

He later had a party with 14 mates, stamping, jumping and banging about, with loud music and slamming doors. Someone was sick out of his window all down my windows below.

The woman had two cats that kept rolling a golf ball around all night and kept us awake. Now she has a cat and two dogs that bark day and night in the flat and on her balcony.

She goes out all day, comes home at 11pm and plays with the dogs' ball. She also lets the dogs and cat mess on the balcony and we have to live with the smell.

The council keeps asking us to move. We have lived here for 22 years, so why should we?

We had the environmental health department put monitoring equipment in but, each time, there was no noise. We were always made out to be liars by our neighbour. It must be nice to have friends on the council.

-Name and address supplied