Carron Ryan's account (Weekend, April 28) of recent foot-and-mouth events and the survival of Phoenix the calf started off with hopefulness and even the promise of veganism, the most responsible step anyone can take to help animals such as Phoenix and starving people in poor countries.

However, later, during Carron's telling of her "schmoozing in the company of landowners and landed gentry" at the concert for raising money for farmers at the Albert Hall, I was saddened. Just as in Radio 3's choral evensong on a previous Wednesday, when voices urged prayer for the farmers, yet nothing for those helpless animals - suffering, dying, sacrificed, burnt and buried.

While humans were doing their frantic kill, bulldozing huge craters and constructing gargantuan pyres to hide the terrible deed, many others were "turning a blind eye".

Surely, we should, at least, have some decency and acknowledge the enormity of what is happening to these creatures and show them due sorrow and reverence? And surely, if we are going to pray, we should be praying for the animals during disasters such as these and for our forgiveness?

Try Veggie Shoes in Gardner Street, Brighton, Carron - they're brilliant.

-Elizabeth Taylor, Furze Road, High Salvington