Voluntary groups are being urged to apply to a new £213,000 fund to bring joy to the lives of poorer children in East Sussex.

It is one of 17 areas which will receive cash from a new £9.2 million Children's Fund being set up by the Government.

The £213,000 will be handed out over the next year to groups helping children up to the age of 19.

They can apply for cash to hire premises or transport, buy computers or print publicity to attract new members.

The Government is also keen for inner-city youngsters to visit the countryside and for rural children to take a trip to the city.

Grants of between £250 and £7,000 will be given to help voluntary groups, although up to £12,000 could be available for exceptional applications.

The bids must meet one of four criteria - provide experiences, tackle economic disadvantage, help isolated children or allow youngsters to express opinions. Grants will be handed out by new organisations in each area, in East Sussex's case the Community Development Trust.

The first group to benefit will be the Rural Rother Youth Forum which is to receive £5,000 to support the establishment of rural youth councils.

Home Office Minister Paul Boateng said: "We want to tackle poverty and disadvantage that act as barriers to a brighter future.

"We want to ensure money goes direct to local communities and voluntary groups so they can make a real difference to the lives of children and young people."

Chancellor Gordon Brown was due to unveil the children's fund today, alongside a £1.5 million fund to increase mentoring.

Voluntary groups in East Sussex should ring the Community Foundation on 0845 1130161 for more details.