It is normally a pleasure to read Vanora Leigh's acutely perceptive and entertaining contributions to The Argus but her interview with the artist David Holden (Weekend, April 28) beggared belief.

She gave the impression she at least partially accepted Mr Holden's story (although, of course, it may still be that she had strong reservations which she kept to herself).

If her interpretation of "genuineness" is a true one, perhaps she would just stand back and look at the end result - instead of, let us say, 50 reasonably competent artists depicting the beauties of the Sussex countryside, we now have 51.

Big deal. And to achieve this end result, God apparently arranged for some obscure Kiwi geezer to be temporarily knocked hors de combat by a jellyfish sting, to recover and to become a religious nut as a consequence. He then comes over to the UK, meets another religious nut he knows by name "without ever having met him before" and shakes his hand, thereby transmitting some mysterious power, as a result of which...

Come off it Vanora, you can do better than this. Find someone worthwhile to interview.

-R A Braden, Pevensey Road, West Worthing