Colin Smith, Worthing Borough Council treasurer, tells me parks, along with other departments, are expected to achieve a two per cent annual "efficiency" saving over the next five years.

He also points out "efficiency" savings are not necessarily the same as spending cuts.

How can a vital, much-appreciated and highly visible department become two per cent more "efficient" when it has been cut to the bone in terms of manpower and resources?

This type of "wool over eyes" terminology - "efficiency savings", "best value" - doesn't fool anyone.

Here are a few suggestions as to how "efficiency savings" may be met by the parks department: Lay off one gardener; buy inferior plants; use less fertiliser; water plants less frequently during the summer; do less weeding; cut the grass less often.

Perhaps the treasurer could let us know alternative ways these cuts - sorry, efficiency savings - may be met.

-Barry Emms, Broadwater Road, Worthing