I wonder if any East Sussex County Council or bank employee readers could help me with my dilemma?

As usual, I received my monthly superannuation cheque from the council and visited the same bank branch I have used for more than 14 years to change my cheque, always being served with utmost courtesy and consideration.

This month, I ran up against a brick wall - a male cashier. I presented my passport as proof of identity and, after it being studied, was told: "This passport is out of date. Have you a current one?"

I replied: "No, we don't go abroad any more."

"Have you a driving licence?"

"Yes, but it's an old one. I don't drive any more."

"How about a bank statement?"

"I do not have a bank account. I have a phone bill I wish to pay, my bus pass with my photo and name, my pension book, my rent book and my council tax statement."

After studying my bus pass, he said: "I will pay it this time but, in future, bring proof of identity."

I replied: "What is identity?"

And the answer was: "That is something you must work out with the council."

I only want to draw my money, which I paid in for more than 40 years, so as to pay my bills and be a decent citizen. Would someone please advise me, in case I run into this brick wall again?

-Frank Edwards, Craven Road, Brighton