A mystery nurse helped save the life of a teenager.

She put Ian Martin, 16, in the recovery position and opened his airways before paramedics arrived.

Ian was thrown in the air after being involved in a collision with a car. He landed under the vehicle on Hove seafront.

Customers in a nearby pub lifted the car while the nurse attended to him.

Ian's family, convinced the Good Samaritan saved his life, are now trying to trace the nurse.

The family will meet customers at the Kingsway pub in Kingsway on Friday and hope an appeal in The Argus will encourage the nurse to go too.

The evening has been organised by Glen Lamley, landlord of the pub, who directed traffic following the accident.

Ian's father Peter, a former mayor of Hove, said: "I just want to shake their hands, thank them for all their help and buy them a drink because their efforts saved my son.

"They have restored my faith in human nature. The family cannot thank them enough for what they all did."

Ian is off the critical list and recovering after suffering severe head injuries in the crash.

Mr Martin said: "Ian has a mountain to climb but he has reached base camp."

Ian was left fighting for life after he and girlfriend Rachel Birrell were in a collision with a vehicle on July 1.

Ian, of New Church Road, Hove, remains in the Royal Free Hospital in London but his family hope he can be moved closer to home within days.

His mother, Jacqui, and sister, Alison, remain at his bedside.

Ian's grandmother, Enid Flint, said: "He had a much better night and is eating a little bit and trying to talk. They're very pleased with him and it is all looking positive for us.

"It's hard for him because he is trying to talk and it's a slow process grabbing a word here and there. But his speech is improving all the time and we are all remaining very positive about everything.

"He asked to see me and I spent about ten minutes with him, which really was lovely. It seemed such a long time since I had seen him.

"So many people all over the country have been praying for him and we've had so many calls from people. Everyone has been very kind."

Mrs Flint said Rachel, 16, of Elm Drive, Hove, is recovering from surgery on her ankle and is expected to be released from hospital in the next couple of weeks.

The driver of the Renault 5 involved in the incident, a 22-year-old man from London, was arrested and later released pending further inquiries.