An investigation has been launched after a mentally ill patient was killed in an accident with a lorry while out with a carer.

Chester Fromm, 52, died on the A27 near Worthing as he returned with a nurse from a shopping trip at 5pm on Monday.

Police are trying to establish how the accident happened and an inquest will be held.

Mr Fromm was a voluntary patient with Worthing Priority Care NHS Trust, the same one which treated Sarah Lawson who was killed by her father in April 2000.

An independent investigation is currently being carried out into her death. Ms Lawson suffered depression and her father James walked free from court after a judge accepted it was a mercy killing.

In a statement about Mr Fromm, the trust said: "The incident occurred as the patient was returning from shopping at a local garage while accompanied by a member of the trust's nursing staff.

"We deeply regret this tragic incident and our fullest sympathy goes out to his friends and family.

"As with any such serious incident, the trust will be conducting a thorough internal review to identify any lessons that can be learnt."

Mr Fromm, of Grand Avenue, Worthing, had been a well known photographer in the area. He had previously worked for the Inland Revenue.

Photographer David Oakley, who has a business based in Melville Way, Goring, said: "He was well-known in the business and years ago was known as being quite an energetic photographer. He would climb up trees take photos."