How right was Liz Solkhon in her column commenting on the plight of those attending two-hour classes at the Connaught Centre who need three-hour parking places (August 27).

Only two or ten-hour spaces exist and very many of those are occupied.

What the parking scheme in Hove has highlighted is that there are simply not enough suitable parking spaces in the area.

Why? Hove Council could never see the need to provide a realistic multi-story car park.

Central Brighton has six. Central Hove has one, originally designed to accommodate those attending functions at Hove Town Hall and already full to overflowing during much of the day.

But there could be a solution. It has been suggested that if the collection of fines continues at the current rate there could be a surplus this year of more than £2 million. It is suggested this could be spent on "more pedestrian crossings".

It could be used to help the much-maligned motorist by building a proper multi-storey car park alongside the planned supermarket on the gas holder site in Church Road.

This could bring the community activities of central Hove to life in every way.

-Bob Gunnell, Wayland Avenue, Brighton