Nobody now doubts farming is in a real crisis and something needs to be done.

A lot is at stake: The future of farmers themselves, the landscape, the rural economy and the food we eat.

One of the things that should be done is to reward stewardship of the land rather than reward productivity, as the present subsidy system does.

Hale Court Farm shows how making an effort to preserve the environment can go hand in hand with making money on what is after all a commercial enterprise.

When the future of farming is decided, and the Government needs to get a grip and make sure agriculture is offered a real future, this is one of the ways forward.

You just need to look at the arable landscapes in some parts of the country, including our own South Downs, to see how far things have gone.

It is not the whole answer but must be a part of the eventual solution and, given the right backing, something nine out of ten farmers are sure to want to do.