I am sure all residents of Sussex Square are pleased Brighton and Hove City Council has at last sent warning letters to the residents of 36-37 Sussex Square who regularly leave their rubbish on the street on non-collection days.

This is the only house on the square to do so.

The residents of one home left huge piles of refuse outside on a recent Sunday evening for a normal Monday collection, which alone is unacceptable.

But the collection was scheduled for Tuesday, owing to the Bank Holiday.

This means rubbish was strewn around the square by animals and the weather long before Sita's scheduled collection, which, in the event, did not take place until Thursday.

Sita's excuse for non-collection is that parking in the square does not allow its lorries access. Surely smaller trucks could be used for streets with difficult access.

Sita is, indeed, an inefficient company and deserves to lose the Brighton and Hove contract for refuse disposal.

However, like myself, many of the residents of Sussex Square are pleased the council has taken action against those residents who repeatedly use the public highways and pavements as their own personal bin-bag area.

-Graham Morley, Sussex Square, Brighton