A controversial plan to set up an air rifle range inside a former farm building is set to be approved.

Angry critics claim the scheme will encourage youngsters to take pot shots at animals.

Members of the West Sussex Wildlife protection group have sent Arun District Council a bundle of newspaper cuttings about injuries caused to animals and people in shooting incidents.

The group says the scheme will also encourage children with no interest in guns to take up shooting.

But council planners meeting on Tuesday are being recommended to approve the range for a former composting building at Westwood Farm, Climping, near Littlehampton.

Councillors will be told that seven other letters of objection have been received.

One claims that local wildlife could end up being used for target practice. Another is from a person fearful the scheme could lead to noisy clay pigeon shooting.

Another opponent has told the council: "Society should not encourage the use of guns."

But Sussex Police and parish councillors have raised no objections to the plan.