The one good part of Varndean College's expansion proposals is the plan to move Brighton's special-needs unit for 16-19-year-olds to the site. No one can argue with the proposal to give these young people the best possible educational facilities.

It is a great shame, therefore, that the special-needs unit plan - which is fully-funded by the local authority and does not depend on the college selling off a much-loved playing field, used by thousands of children from all over the city - has been needlessly bound up in the rest of a controversial planning application.

It would be an honourable action if Varndean College were to resubmit its plans to Brighton and Hove City Council with the special-needs unit proposal as a separate package, so each case could be decided on its own merits.

I am sure the special-needs unit proposal would be passed rapidly. The fate of the playing field earmarked for housing - and the college's own expansion plans - could then be decided on a completely fair basis.

-Susan Young, Surrenden Crescent, Brighton