I have lived in Blackpool for a couple of years and I can tell you it has nothing whatsoever on Brighton.

I agree Blackpool has three piers, ample car parking at reasonable prices, police on the streets and a car-free town centre. But it does not have miles of clean sandy beaches - they are normally covered in doggy-do.

You wouldn't even dare swim in sea (even on a warmish October afternoon) or walk to it because it's so far away when the tide is out.

The comment B Jenkins made on "streets clear of rubbish" may be true in high season but if you go to Blackpool during the off-season months you will soon change your mind.

It's as if Blackpool Town Council stop working in early December.

I moved to Sussex for love and the promise of a better way of life. I've never seen a cleaner place.

I love it down here and I'd sooner pass on the miles of sandy beaches for a walk on the stones any day (and pebbles don't get between your toes and in your pants).

-Lancashire Lad