A scheme to deter all-day commuter parking in Crawley's roads has been published.

West Sussex County Council says its proposals will improve safety by eliminating illegal parking.

The scheme includes slashing the cost of residents' permits by £10 to £30 a year and halving the cost of visitor parking.

The plan, which is supported by Crawley Borough Council, follows extensive public consultation.

A decision will be made next month by Councillor Tex Pemberton, Cabinet member for the environment.

He said: "The scheme is designed not only to deter all-day parking on the streets of Crawley but to make it easier for residents and their visitors to park while also improving road safety."

The scheme, which focuses on neighbourhoods closest to the town centre, hospital and railway station, includes increased hours of restricted parking to deter commuters and shoppers from using residential bays.

Coun Pemberton said: "We can never guarantee you can park outside your home but this scheme should make resident parking much easier.

"On most weekdays, Crawley's multi-storey car parks are underused. The scheme will encourage commuters and shoppers to use them instead and should also encourage more people to car-share, cycle, walk or use public transport."

The new plan can be seen on the county council's web site at www.westsussex.gov.uk Copies are also available at Crawley's town hall and library.