Campaigners for and against a new Albion stadium are stepping up their efforts in the run-up to a ruling on the scheme.

A decision on the proposed £44 million plan for a stadium north or south of Village Way, Falmer, is expected in the next ten weeks.

Supporters have urged Seagulls fans to gather signatures in favour of the stadium.

Members of the Falmer For All campaign will be in towns across Sussex on Sunday to gather more support during their Sign Up For Falmer day.

They want fans to meet them in the hospitality suite at Withdean stadium at 10am, when they will hand out petition forms and ask supporters to target key areas across the county.

Campaign spokesman Paul Samrah said: "Our petition is one part of the Falmer For All campaign and will provide evidence of the enormous public support there is for Falmer."

Proposals for the stadium at the site were submitted to Brighton and Hove City Council in October last year.

Supporters believe the scheme will create major economic benefits to the city and neighbouring districts.

But environmentalists and people living near the proposed site fear the stadium could spoil countryside and generate more traffic.

Eric Huxham, who chairs Falmer Parish Council and who opposes the plans, said: "We have had a petition going since it started.

"We have already presented 4,000 signatures to the council from people against the site.

"I think the environmental issues far outweigh any other considerations.

"We are not against having a stadium but not here. We want to maintain a green gap between Brighton and Falmer."