I was astonished to read a solution can be found to the long-running waste saga but at the additional cost of £3 million (The Argus, January 2).

The article also stated streets are generally being swept better and dustbins emptied.

It was strange this should appear on the very day Brighton and Hove City Council deemed the area in which I live should be cleared of refuse after having rubbish galore to be admired for two whole weeks. We loved it.

If the council and Ken Bodfish think they are getting on top of things, they should think again.

Such lack of attention is creating a health hazard. A council employee even quoted the environmental health department agreeing that two weeks was not an unreasonable time for rubbish to be allowed to rot and be exposed to - and spread around by - animals (and blown around by the strong winds we have in this area too).

Wake up, Brighton and Hove City Council, our streets are a disgrace. Any visitors to this area must be horrified. Do you think I am willing to pay additional council tax?

-Marion Watts, Sandgate Road, Brighton