When Neil Perriton was faced with a drunken policeman wielding a pistol, he knew he had to act fast.

The volunteer member of the Territorial Army (TA) used his skills and training to calm the man down and avert a crisis.

Now, the lance-corporal has been awarded a medal for his service in the former Yugoslavian state.

L-Cpl Perriton, 28, of Greenbank Avenue, Saltdean, Brighton, served in Bosnia from October 2000 to April last year.

He led a peacekeeping patrol in the town of Mrkonjic Grad, delivering blankets and food and searching for mines.

He was joined by Private Spencer Allen, of Brighton, and Private Jason Gilroy, of Brighton. Together they formed part of the 2nd Battalion Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment.

L-Cpl Perriton said: "I will always remember when the policeman drew his gun.

"It was Christmas Eve and absolutely freezing out there, about minus 40C. I had confiscated a rifle from a local who didn't have a permit for it.

"The police chief came over and I could tell he was drunk. He drew his pistol on us. Weapons were raised on both sides but I managed to calm the situation down.

"It was quite a tense moment and I was sweating, thinking we could get shot.

"There were only four of us and we were surrounded by locals."

L-Cpl Perriton's role was as patrol commander for the soldiers and their interpreter.

He read the map while Pte Allen drove the Land Rover.

He said: "Spencer saved our lives at one point when we hit black ice and lost control of the vehicle. He managed to stop it as we came to a cliff. There were about 120 soldiers in all, living in an old shoe factory where the facilities weren't brilliant."

They took part in Operation Magpie in Mostar and came under fire while protecting a British-built bridge.

L-Cpl Perriton said: "We heard a crackle and a thud but couldn't see where the shot had come from. Certain events toughen you up and you do have to be resilient.

"We found a live bomb from an aircraft sticking out of the ground and I took two detonators out of the hands of a child who was playing with them."

L-Cpl Perriton and Pte Allen received medals for service in the former Yugoslavia in a ceremony held at the TA Centre in Dyke Road, Brighton.

Lord Lieutenant of East Sussex, Phyllida Stewart-Roberts, presented the medals.

Other winners were: Lord Lieutenant's Meritorious Service Certificate - Cadet Sgt Byford; Sgt Short; Sgt Warren; Cpl Perrin; Senior Staff Instructor Hallett; Area WO Smedley; WO Harmer; CPO Bates.

Volunteer Reserves Service Medal - WO II Pennington; Sgt Garrod; Sgt Short; Cpl Elliott; Cpl Williams; Cpl Perrin.

Cadet of the Year Award - Cadet Sgt Tarrant; Cadet Flt Sgt Pembrey; L/Cadet Littlewood; L/Cadet Back; Cadet L-Cpl Gates; Cadet PO Sullivan.

Cadet Force Medal - Flt Lt Banks; Flt Lt Forrester; WO Ash; WO Hayler.

National Employers Liaison Committee Awards - C Smith, Smith and Ouzman; M Shepherd, Shepherds (UK); G De Luchi, Access and Student Services; D Chopping, Benefits Agency (Brighton).