Overcrowding in Eastbourne schools is to be debated in the House of Commons after a campaign by the town's MP.

Tory Nigel Waterson is to take up the issue in a 30-minute adjournment debate on the shortage of secondary school places.

He has managed to get the scheduled for 10pm tomorrow.

Mr Waterson said: "It was this time last year that I pointed out that every Eastbourne secondary school was bursting at the seams and I predicted that an additional secondary school would be needed in the town.

"The situation has not changed and this will be my urgent message to ministers."

Admissions to secondary schools in the town have increased by 12 per cent over the last three years and are expected to rise by a further ten per cent over the next four years.

Mr Waterson is seeking reassurance that money will be made available to build an extra school.

He said: "I want a commitment that in the medium term we will be given a new school and I want a commitment that the resources will be made available.

"It's not just about overcrowding - there are several schools, such as Stafford Junior School, which have temporary classrooms and we want them replaced as well.

"Realistically I want reassurances they will make plans. The opening of Causeway School was very welcome but it is rapidly filling up."