My wife and I were very interested in the comments in the article on firework laws, along with Ivor Caplin's efforts to introduce restrictions on the sale and use of fireworks.

We have been concerned for a long time about the increase in use of what are obviously very powerful, noisy fireworks.

Traditionally, of course, we have come to expect their use on and around November 5.

There are other occasions such as carnivals where displays are usually provided.

These are, however, advertised in advance, thus allowing for precautions to be prepared.

We would like to see a ban on the use of any fireworks after 11pm, except when used by an approved organisation as part of an organised display.

Perhaps some form of licence system could be introduced. In the Heathfield area, fireworks were being let off well after 1.30am for the New Year.

In short, we totally agree with the comments made in the report and would appreciate our comments being passed on to Mr Caplin.

-Norman W. Wright, Broad Oak, Heathfield